Choosing Your Form of Benefit

Choosing Your Form of Benefit

An important decision when you decide to retire is the form of benefit you choose to receive. 

The Plan offers these forms of payments:

Single Life Annuity with 60-Certain Payments

This is the normal form of payment for a single person. If you die before receiving at least 60 Plan payments, your beneficiary will receive payments until a total of 60 payments are made. 

50% Qualified Joint & Survivor Annuity

This is the normal form of payment for a married person. Your benefit is reduced to provide spouse/co-annuitant 50% of your monthly benefit upon your death.

75% Joint & Survivor Annuity

Your benefit is reduced to provide spouse/co-annuitant 75% of your monthly benefit upon your death.

100% Joint & Survivor Annuity

Your benefit is reduced to provide spouse/co-annuitant 100% of your monthly benefit upon your death.

Note: Age limitations apply to non-spouse co/annuitants.

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